Monday, May 27, 2013

379 Days

We only had 379 days.

I used to blog.  I loved it.  When life led me to Brussels, Belgium in 2007 to 2009 it was a great way to keep in touch with family and friends to let them experience my European adventures with me.  This was before Facebook or any other social media.  I moved home in 2009 and life kind of got in the way and I stopped blogging.

Until now...

Life dealt me a blow on May 5, 2013.  Once again, my heart wants to write.  Everyone is asking how we are doing, how we are making it.  This may be my outlet.  A way to express my thoughts, struggles, fears, agony, prayers, and hopefully some joy as I walk through this journey called grief.

We only had 379 days and I want you to know about them.


Susan said...

This is an excellent idea, sweet friend. I am here for you!

Tippa Feltman said...

Thank you.

Dawn said...

I think it's great that you have this blog. Write what's on your heart and remember that there is no wrong way to grieve. You are loved and thought of often.

kimberly t. bowling said...

Thank you for opening your heart in words we can all see. It is a great outlet for us to check in on you as Jamey would say!