Thursday, August 22, 2013

3 Years Ago....

Jamey and I used to mark special days.  I kept all of those days in my calendar....our first date, our first kiss, etc etc etc.  We counted month anniversary, two month anniversary, etc etc etc.  I even named this blog based on the number of days we were married.  

It sounds weird and cheesy, but it was something fun we did.  I really don't know why.  We just started doing it and acknowledging all these little dates and anniversaries and holding them special.  He would sometimes send me flowers on these special days, just because.  We always celebrated the little things.

I am forever grateful that we did.

Today marks one of those days.  Another first without him.

Three years ago today, my life changed.  I met a man for lunch who would later become my husband.  I remember that day so vividly.  We were both so nervous.  The butterflies in my stomach grew more and more as the lunch progressed and I knew this guy was different.  Jamey said he felt it too.  I have written before (click here) that I had my running shoes on for months because I thought he was too good to be true. 

I remember talking about Jamey to my friend, Gail, shortly after we met.  I was telling her about my running shoes and how I just wasn't sure.  She said this to me that I have recounted over and over in my head since Jamey went to be with Jesus.  She said, "The Lord must have something huge planned for you and Jamey because the devil is fighting so hard to keep you away."


Can I get an Amen!?!

I never EVER would have imagined the plan He had in store for us.


As I was having a 'moment' this morning while getting dressed for work and praying the Lord would give me strength to make it through today, it hit me....  

Time is so so precious.  


Seconds, minutes, hours....precious time.  Time you can never get back.  

Time you should never waste.

We counted the days we had together because our time together would be cut very short.  Those 379 days we were married were so precious.  


You can't get it back.  

So precious.  So short.  

My sweet friend, Kim, sent me a text this morning to check in on me.  I told her what today was and her text back helped me keep things in perspective.

She said today marks the day a great love was kindled and a beautiful relationship began.  And because of today, Brenna has a mommy!  And many other friendships and relationships have been spawned because of this day three years ago.  

So, so true.  

Some days the fog is so thick I cannot see through it.  Some days, it lifts just enough to bring some perspective.  But, when the fog is thick, God always sends me friends to guide me through it.  

I am forever thankful for all the friends God sends my way.  There are far too many to list here.  I am forever blessed and grateful for the relationships and friendships that help guide me through the fog.  

And help me get through days like this....


Kim Lawson said...

Another touching and beautiful post, Tippa. Love you. Glad my text helped.

Anonymous said...

Tippa, you continue to inspire me and I am sure many others with this blog. I wish I had the opportunity to know Jamey. You and your family continue to be in my prayers.

Cheryl said...


While I have never met you face to face, I wanted to let you know that you have touched my life with your blog, twitter feed, and facebook. Thank you for sharing your story. I have walked a different road of loss than you, but I can still relate. Thank you for sharing Jamey with us. He was one special man who was very loved. It shows in your writing.