March 29, 2014
Jamey's 39th birthday.
Another tough first.
I know there was a grand party going on in Heaven! I just know it. Jamey knew how to do it right, and this would not be any exception. He would be celebrating with his daddy and Michelle, his cousin Jackie, and many others that he held close who had gone before him. I bet there was plenty carrot cake to go around!
As with all of the 'firsts' that we have experienced this year, this was one that I had on my mind for a while. What would we do? How would we celebrate him? How will be make it through?
As the date was approaching, my calendar started filling up. Brenna's school was holding a 5K Color Run that morning and Brenna had a spring league basketball game that afternoon. I think that God knew I needed many distractions to get through the day. Of course, He did. As the weekend approached, I tried to figure out how we would fit in the things I specifically wanted to do for his birthday. I knew there would not be a lot of time, but I told myself I would go with the flow and do what we could do. Jamey would want us to continue living our lives and not miss out on anything.
So, that is exactly what we did. We lived!
We started off at 7:30am at the NCS Color Splash 5K!
My face, my hair. It was worth it!!!
If you have never done a color run (this was my first), this is one that you should consider doing! Although it was FREEZING, we had such a great time! You are 'splashed' with color as you run/walk the course. Then, at the end, everyone gets a packet of color and throws it up! I had color in places color did not belong, but it was so much fun. A friend said it was the best school fundraiser ever!! I totally agree!!!
So fun!
It was a fun activity that distracted me from reality and where I received a lot of love and hugs from my sweet NCS family!!! Love you, ladies!!
Then, after loooong warm showers, we were off to Brenna's basketball game. (Sorry about the fuzzy pics! She runs too fast!!)
I wish that I had the energy this child has. This day was on her mind and I could see it all over on her face.
It was a day that we just needed to pray our way through and do the best we can.
We ended the day having dinner at Jamey's favorite restaurant, J. Alexander's. It was delicious, but certainly not the same. This was my first time there since his passing, so it was a bit surreal. He always got the Hyde Park chicken sandwich with Monetary Jack and a side of mayo. Always. He never deviated!!! I always get the Steak Maui.
After dinner, we came home and called it a day. It was an exhausting day. I was in my bed by 8pm and that was just fine with me.
I was not able to do some of the things that I had planned or thought we would do, but I told myself that was ok. I am doing best I can on days like this.
He is always in my heart and on my mind, no matter the day. We celebrate him every single day.
Matthew 25:21 says, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge if many things. Come and share your master's happiness."
Well done, my love, well done! And, Happy 39th Birthday!!!!

Excellent, Tippa!
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