Thursday, January 23, 2014

Don't Yell

God and I have many conversations throughout my day.  We chat a lot and I even yell and scream when I am upset.  I plead for answers.  I plead for direction, guidance, hope.

I ask "why"....I ask "what now"...I ask "what about..."

But, I am learning more and more every day to just stop and listen.

Be quiet.

Be still.


Really listen.

I NEED to listen.

It is hard.  So very hard to do.  How do you know when He speaks?  How do you know it is really Him speaking?  Do you find yourself wondering if it is the Holy Spirit or satan?  I know I sure do.

Many times I have asked God to speak really loud so I know it's Him.  I have even asked Him to slap me in the face so there is no question that I know it's Him.  There have been many times in my life that He has done just that.  I talked about it in my blog from when I lived in Europe.  Here is a link to that post (click here).  It talks about how God clearly and loudly spoke to me and told me to go to Europe.  It was so clear.  So loud. I also wrote about when God clearly and loudly spoke to me soon after Jamey went to be with Jesus (click here).  I still think about that day.  His voice was so incredibly loud in my heart it stopped me in my tracks. Amazing!

I often wonder why I heard Him so loudly those days.  How was my heart so open to be able to hear Him and know it was Him?  My little impatient mind wants more.  I want it now!  But how?  I am teaching Brenna about patience.  She needs to learn patience.  I should take some of my own advice and be patient.  Stop, be quiet, and listen.

I heard this a while back and I love the image it left in my mind.

Do you know why God doesn't yell?  

It is because He's sitting right next to you. You don't yell at someone sitting right next to you.

What an amazing visual that left in my head.  I try to no longer scream or yell when I am upset.  I am not always successful, but I do try.  I try to sit quietly knowing my Lord is sitting right next to me holding me up.  He's got this, my friend Sarah, would say. She's right, God's got this.  I just have to be still, be quiet, and wait patiently.

Psalm 37:7-9
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.  Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret - it leads only to evil.  For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land.

Romans 12:12
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.